Monday, August 25, 2008

You can do anything you put your mind to!

Lots of people have heard "anything is possible", or "you can do anything if you really work at it", but some don't really accept it. But it is proved by a tiny dog who did big things.
A 8 month year old Cockapoo (a cocker-spaniel poodle mix) was heard barking in his backyard by his owners. They ran outside to see what was going on, and saw two bear cubs in their backyard, with the mother just over the fence. The puppy was barking fearlessly, despite its tiny 15-pound body. The two bear cubs retreated into a tree, and then jumped back over the fence to their awaiting mother. They all ran away from the ferocious dog.
Seriously, if a tiny dog can scare away 3 bears 50 times his size, then you can at least complete your socratic homework. You can do anything you want, if you really try. In fact, I feel like I could go take on Godzilla right now, so I will stop typing. Why don't you all go try something new?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dreams do come true!!!

The wierdest thing has happened to me this week. I died and came back to life, and all of it was predicted! I'll give you the whole story.
My cousin, Davis (see my blog list) had a dream tuesday night that I was going to die in three days. I was kind of freaked out by that, but luckily he woke up before I died.
Thursday night, my brother Connor had a dream. It was a horrible nightmare. For some reason I woke up in the middle of the night, as if there were some sort of disturbance. Connor suddenly said: "Justin, are you awake?" I responded, "Yah." "OK. Cause I just had a nightmare, and I'm scared." It turns out he had a dream where our family was in this store, and all of the sudden the shop owner pulls out a gun and starts to aim at my littlest brother, Daxton. But I ran and tackled the guy before he could shoot. Unfortunatly, I landed on top of his gun, and I died.
Luckily I didn't really die, but it is kind of weird how dreams really can come true!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Look into Reading

I am now reading a book called the Tipping point, on my summer reading list for school. It talks about how very small changes can affect very big things. It gives a very good example. There is a type of shoes called Hush Puppies. They were very popular when they first came out, but slowly began to fall out of fashion, like all good shoes in these days. But one year, the sales went from 30,000 sales a year to 430,000 sales. In ONE year! How could such a thing in the ever changing fashion trend happen so quickly? It was all because of one small group of kids who decided to wear Hush Puppies just because no one else would wear them. It was a group of just 10 to 25 kids. No big change. But soon, other kids in the school started to buy them as well, and soon a lot of people were wearing them in their town. A fashion designer decided to put them in a show because people around there were suddenly liking them. Soon other fashion shows had Hush Puppies as well! Now Hush Puppies were the new big shoe, and in one year the sales increased by 400,000.
Next time you see an opportunity to do something good, take it. Help that old little lady cross the street. Maybe it will start a trend of helping old ladies! Maybe the President will happen to be driving by while you are helping the old lady. Then he will want to go help an old lady cross the street. Some paparazzi will probably be stalking the president, so they will get a video of it and show it on TV, or put it on YouTube. Soon everyone will want to help old ladies cross the street! There probably wouldn't be enough old ladies for everyone to help, so all rest homes will be emptied, and everyone can help old ladies! I'm telling you, it could happen.
Remember now, the littlest difference can go a long way. Try to be part of that difference.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why Bother with Socratic Seminar?

Why bother with dumb, boring things like:
  • History? I believe history to be of great importance. It lets us learn of the past and how poeple got to where we are. We can learn learn about our past family as well. Studying the past also helps learn about the future, because history repeats itself sometimes...
  • Literature? Some people just think it is confusing, boring olden times writing. It's not. Literature is not only usually interesting, but it teaches a lot of principles. It also helps us learn more history by what the people believed in the time the story was told.
  • Language arts? This one is obvious. You don't want to be stupid. Language arts improves your reading, writing, and language skills which applies to pretty much every aspect of your life. So it's important.
  • Geography? Let's say your brother moved to Zimbabwe. You want to send him a letter, but you don' know where Zimbabwe is. If you just took last geography class like you were supposed to, maybe you would know! Geography helps us learn more about the world and its features. It also makes travelling a lot more fun.