In class we have begun to read Dante's Inferno, a story of a man who must travel through Hell in order to get to Heaven, or Paradise. This book gives a very interesting view on Hell, or the Inferno, where there are several levels that are assigned to the varying degrees of sin. We have had several interesting discussions in my period.
Do people in Dante's Inferno have free will? In the varying levels or circles, the people are assigned a task or punishment that they must live for the rest of eternity. If they are trapped repeating the same punishment, such as pushing boulders, should they not eventually have the desire to leave the task? Or are they forced to stay there without a consciousness, simply living the punishment? The text states that it is the Justice of God that drives them to their punishment, turning fear into desire. I think that this means their guilt is what keeps them in Hell.
Another discussion was on what the white flag in the Ante-Inferno represents. I personally think that the Ante-Inferno is an unfair punishment, because people who lived a neutral life, who knew no other way, are forced to chase a white banner while hornets sting them and worms feast on their flesh. This is an overly harsh punishment for doing nothing. Anyways, I believe that the white banner represents hope. Hope for the people to escape their sins and consequences, but they can never reach it. Instead they wail and mourn for eternity.
I think the the Inferno has many interesting ideas and values and is a great center for discussion. We will continue our discussions in class.