Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Climax of the Divine Comedy

Today in class we discussed Dante's vision of God and the Trinity. Dante reaches the last level of paradise, or the Empyreum, where God lives. With the help of the Virgin Mary, he is able to see a vision of God. In the vast reaches of infinity, he sees three circles: the second is a reflection of the first, and the third is a reflection of both. He sees the form of a man in the center of the circles. I thought that this was very interesting, because Cathlics believe that God had no form, yet Dante sees a form of a man. I am pretty sure Dante is catholic. They also believe that God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost are all the same being, yet he sees three seperate circles, although they are a reflection of each other.
One of our discussions in class was on the action point of climax in the Divine Comedy. Is it the view of Satan, or the vision of God? I personally think that it is the vision. All Satan serves as is a passageway through the bottom of Hell. The entire journey through the Inferno was to just get to the other side of the world, so Dante could get to the goal he is seeking (As stated in Canto I). I think the real goal is to reach God and have his eyes opened.

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