Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Look into Reading

I am now reading a book called the Tipping point, on my summer reading list for school. It talks about how very small changes can affect very big things. It gives a very good example. There is a type of shoes called Hush Puppies. They were very popular when they first came out, but slowly began to fall out of fashion, like all good shoes in these days. But one year, the sales went from 30,000 sales a year to 430,000 sales. In ONE year! How could such a thing in the ever changing fashion trend happen so quickly? It was all because of one small group of kids who decided to wear Hush Puppies just because no one else would wear them. It was a group of just 10 to 25 kids. No big change. But soon, other kids in the school started to buy them as well, and soon a lot of people were wearing them in their town. A fashion designer decided to put them in a show because people around there were suddenly liking them. Soon other fashion shows had Hush Puppies as well! Now Hush Puppies were the new big shoe, and in one year the sales increased by 400,000.
Next time you see an opportunity to do something good, take it. Help that old little lady cross the street. Maybe it will start a trend of helping old ladies! Maybe the President will happen to be driving by while you are helping the old lady. Then he will want to go help an old lady cross the street. Some paparazzi will probably be stalking the president, so they will get a video of it and show it on TV, or put it on YouTube. Soon everyone will want to help old ladies cross the street! There probably wouldn't be enough old ladies for everyone to help, so all rest homes will be emptied, and everyone can help old ladies! I'm telling you, it could happen.
Remember now, the littlest difference can go a long way. Try to be part of that difference.


Davis 7/8 said...

Hey good topic! It was really funny! I like your idea and I'm gonna plan on reading that book now that you've got me interested!

Christian Swenson said...

Seriously, people are too afraid to 'revolt' against the status quo most of the time. Believe me, I've tried to recruit people for a cause before. The starting group needs to be large enough to make people seriously consider it. Face it: people are lemmings.

Alex said...

Dude! Nice cat. Empire of Intelect, very powerful.

Mackenzie said...

whats up with the fat cat?

anyways, nice thought about the old ladies, but really, old ladies are tougher then you think. I mean, if i were an old lady and someone helped me across the street, i would be embarassed because that would show how old and completly useless i was. Anyways, save some old ladies dignity. not say that I'm an old lady. ;)

joey 7-8 said...

You know know what's funny about those shoe's being called hush puppy's. Well hush puppy's are a southern dish that you serve with your mash potato's and gravy. I personally have never had them but my dad say's there good.

joey 7-8 said...

By the way i think on a bad day Pongo looks like that.

Justin See said...

In response to Christian's comment, if people are like lemmings, then once we get something going people will start to follow, and soon it will reach the "tipping point" (the name of the book) and soon everyone will be doing it. As for starting it, it is simple. Everyone who reads this post can just do what it says! It is a brilliant idea!

By the way, I just thought the cat was funny. Jooey, you don't have to insult my perfectly good and SKINNY cat, Pango. I'll put a picture of him on sometime.

P.S. Mackenzie wishes she was an old lady.

Mr. Dye said...

I love The Tipping Point. It is fascinating. What did you think of the chapter on Sesame Street and Blues Clues?

I was also interested in the case of graffiti on the subway.

What kind of social epidemics would you like to start in your life, Justin?