Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why Bother with Socratic Seminar?

Why bother with dumb, boring things like:
  • History? I believe history to be of great importance. It lets us learn of the past and how poeple got to where we are. We can learn learn about our past family as well. Studying the past also helps learn about the future, because history repeats itself sometimes...
  • Literature? Some people just think it is confusing, boring olden times writing. It's not. Literature is not only usually interesting, but it teaches a lot of principles. It also helps us learn more history by what the people believed in the time the story was told.
  • Language arts? This one is obvious. You don't want to be stupid. Language arts improves your reading, writing, and language skills which applies to pretty much every aspect of your life. So it's important.
  • Geography? Let's say your brother moved to Zimbabwe. You want to send him a letter, but you don' know where Zimbabwe is. If you just took last geography class like you were supposed to, maybe you would know! Geography helps us learn more about the world and its features. It also makes travelling a lot more fun.

1 comment:

joey 7-8 said...

Justin u r so predictable