Monday, August 25, 2008

You can do anything you put your mind to!

Lots of people have heard "anything is possible", or "you can do anything if you really work at it", but some don't really accept it. But it is proved by a tiny dog who did big things.
A 8 month year old Cockapoo (a cocker-spaniel poodle mix) was heard barking in his backyard by his owners. They ran outside to see what was going on, and saw two bear cubs in their backyard, with the mother just over the fence. The puppy was barking fearlessly, despite its tiny 15-pound body. The two bear cubs retreated into a tree, and then jumped back over the fence to their awaiting mother. They all ran away from the ferocious dog.
Seriously, if a tiny dog can scare away 3 bears 50 times his size, then you can at least complete your socratic homework. You can do anything you want, if you really try. In fact, I feel like I could go take on Godzilla right now, so I will stop typing. Why don't you all go try something new?


HarriSON said...

I love It!!!


Ian Saydyk said...

thats a scary dog dad

Mackenzie said...

i heart your dog! so cute.