Monday, October 13, 2008

The RIght to Choose

Today in class we discussed which parts of our lives are for sale. The wife of Bath in the Canterbury Tales says that our lives are for sale. I disagree with this. A lot of the time we do sell our lives to other people. But sometimes we are forced to sell ourselves. Like selling ourselves to school to get an A in biology, or working for someone else each day so our families can have money to eat. However, sometimes other people force us to sell ourselves. Like the slave trade in America or Europe. When settlers discovered African tribes in Africa, they just started shipping them off to their countries and forcing them to do their work. I think that is totally and morally wrong. The Africans did nothing to deserve slavery. Just because other people were more powerful, they forced their will upon the helpless Africans. Slavery is wrong. I think one of the worst things you can do to a person is take away their agency.

1 comment:

J- dawg said...

AMEN JUSTIN!! i dont think that it was right for the Brits or the other slave trading countries to sell other human beings just because of their skin colour. Man, that infuriates me. Anyway, i like how you pointed out that these slaves lives were not for sale. NICE JOB JUSTIN!!!!