Monday, October 6, 2008

Peronal Essays

In socratic class we are writing personal essays. They are basically stories about your life. Usually you are supposed to pick a certain aspect of your life and talk about it, like a relationship, a tragedy in your life, or some other problem. For me thinking of an idea was difficult; I don't really have any tragic stories that make up most famous personal essays. But as I looked deep withing myself, I realized I have several stories. The deeper you look into one aspect, the more memories pop into your head. I chose to talk about my brother and I, and all of things we have gone through. There are so many strories I have about that. The only problem is getting them into words. If anyone else is strugglin on an idea, I know how you feel. Just try and focus on a specific aspect or relationship, and don't think too hard. Then the memories and stories will start coming to you. As for writing it down, all I have to say is please use proper grammar. I hate having to correct papers.

1 comment:

lizzie said...

I think personal essays can be much harder to write than other styles, but I also think it is much more satisfying in the end.